The ultimate
goal for Lab 4 was to use different geoprocessing tools available in ArcGIS to
help find suitable habitat for bears located in the study area of Marquette
County, Michigan.
The first
step I took to find suitable bear habitat was to find the top three forest
types that bears prefer in Marquette County. I did a table join between the
landcover and bear locations feature classes to determine the top three forest
types that the bears liked the most. Next, I wanted to figure out if streams
were essential in a bear habitat. To find out if streams were important to
bears I did a query of the bear locations and streams feature classes to see if
the bears were located close to streams. I found out that streams are important
to a bear habitat because 72 percent of the bears were located within 500
meters of a stream. Now I had the two important criteria for a bear habitat,
close proximity to streams and the best forest types for the bears. Next, I
found the best areas for bears to live in Marquette County based on the
criteria I created. I clipped the streams and the preferred landcover feature
classes in order to locate the streams that were located within the preferred
landcover area. Then I did a 500 meter buffer on the streams feature class and
I made sure to dissolve after the buffer so that any internal boundaries were omitted.
Next, I figured out the best areas for bear habitat in the management lands of
the Michigan DNR. I found the best areas for bears by clipping the study area
and the DNR management feature classes. Then I created a union between the DNR management
and preferred land cover feature classes and dissolved to clear away any
internal boundaries. The DNR did not want the bear habitat to be within 5
kilometers of urban or built up land. To make sure the bear habitat was away
from urban or built up land I created a union between the landcover feature
class and the all habitat in the study area feature class. Then I did a query
to determine where the urban or built up land was located and created a 5
kilometer buffer for those areas of land.
The Bear
Habitat in Marquette County map indicates that the optimal place for bears to
live is near the streams and near the evergreen forest, the forested wetlands,
and the mixed forest land. The Michigan DNR Land map indicates that there are
areas within the DNR Management lands that will be ideal for bears to live.
Figure 1. Bear Habitat in Marquette County, Michigan
Sources: Michigan Center for Geographic Information http://michigan.gov/cgi/0,1607,7-158-14652-30811--,00.html
-Landcover is from USGS NLCD http://www.mcgi.state.mi.us/mgdl/nlcd/metadata/nlcdshp.html
-DNR management units http://www.dnr.state.mi.us/spatialdatalibrary/metadata/wildlife_mgmt_units.htm
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