Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Lab 3- Introduction to GPS

Goal and Background
My goals for this lab were to learn how to create a geodatabase in ArcCatalog, use a Trimble Juno GPS to collect spatial data of the new UW-Eau Claire campus mall, and to create a map that includes the features I collected with the GPS.

The first step I took for Lab 3 was to make a new geodatabase in ArcCatalog and add point, line, and polygon feature classes to the database. Next, I imported a shape file of the buildings on campus and a raster of the UW-Eau Claire campus to the geodatabase. Then I used the extension called the ArcPad Data Manager in ArcGIS to set up my data to be used on the Trimble Juno GPS by choosing the option to check out my geodatabase layers. Next, I deployed my geodatabase folder to the Trimble Juno so I could go to the campus mall and collect my data. The next step I took was to go to the campus mall and collect point, line, and polygon features. I made sure that my GPS was activated so that I could get satellite signals. I collected six grassy areas using the point averaging and streaming data collection techniques. In addition, I collected the location of one line feature (the footbridge) and six point features which included trees and light poles located on the campus mall. I made sure to enter attribute information for each feature I collected. For example, I entered whether a specific point was a light pole or a tree. After I collected all of my features on the GPS I checked my data back into ArcMap by using the ArcPad Data Manager tool. As I checked in my data I made sure to select the point, line, and polygon features I collected to add to my map. Now I was ready to start creating my map. I chose appropriate symbols to represent each feature on the map. I made the symbol for the campus buildings a light color to de-emphasize them because the buildings are not the focus of the map. To finish my map I included the main components of a map such as a title, legend, north arrow, scale bar, source information, the date the data was collected, and the date the map was created.

The Old Davies Student Center was recently demolished and a new campus mall with walkways and green spaces was constructed that took its place. The campus imagery in the map has not been updated and still includes the location of the Old Davies Center. In the map the new green spaces overlap the Old Davies Center building. In the map I located new trees and light poles that were placed in the new campus mall area. I also included the footbridge on campus as a line feature.

Figure 1. Map of the Physical Features on the UW-Eau Claire campus

Sources: GPS data- collected by Brianna Joslin-Zirngible on 10-16-13  

              Aerial photo- National Air Photography Program